Project details & amenities
Larkin District – Buffalo, NY
Start date:12/13/2021 | Completion date:In progress
Former 4-acre CSX Railyard, brownfield
85,000 sq. ft. building, 3 floors
Ground floor commercial space
58 residential units (mixed-income)
Project overview
A cluster of mixed-use buildings at the western edge of the Larkin District could grow if the City approves the rezoning of a 3.7 acre site. Frontier Industrial Corp. is asking to rezone the vacant parcel at 567 Swan Street from C-R (Rail) to N-1S (Secondary Employment Center) to construct a three-story mixed-use building.
One of the objectives of the development is to build a mixed-use building that allows multiple unit dwellings, retail, medical, office, light manufacturing and warehouse uses. Instead of applying for more than a dozen zoning variances, we are recommending the property to be rezoned to N-lS (Secondary Employment Center), which allows all the proposed uses listed above.
History of location (1900 - 2013)
The 4-acre location was previously a CSX Rail location.
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567 Swan Street
Buffalo, NY 14204
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